Done Right Pools and Spas, Inc. 705 Columbia Turnpike East Greenbush, NY 12061 phone 518-479-7946 e-mail
705 Columbia Turnpike, East Greenbush, NY 12061
Winterization Request Form
Schedule Your Pool Closing Now
In-ground Pool Closings
Winterize pump and fiter
Blow out lines and install winter plugs
Remove handrails, ladders, and safety ropes
Add Shock and Winterizer
Winterize Heater (if applicable)
Install and secure winter cover
Aboveground Pool Closings
Partial Pool Closings
install winterizing plug in return
winterizing plate in skimmer
disconnect filter system for storage
install air pillow, if supplied
remove ladder
Add Shock and Winterizer
install and secure winter cover
Winterize pump and filter
Blow out lines and install winter plugs
Add Shock and Winterizer
Winterize heater (if applicable)
Pool level is to have been lowered below skimmer
Services do not include cleaning, or removal of either diving boards or slides